Scratch card online games – playing and winning

Online scratch card games aren’t the most popular of gambling games, to be fair. They are typically to be found in the last section of games in most online casinos. And many online casinos don’t even feature these games at all why sites listing online casinos with scratch cards is a good way to find it. But still, this is not to say that these games aren’t popular. On the contrary. Many people play them and enjoy doing so. But how does one play a scratch card game online? What do you need to do in order to win? Read more below and find out.

Playing scratch card games

And you’ve thought that the slot games are as simple as it gets. How much simpler could it get than spinning the reels and making winning combinations? Well, as it turns out, it can get simpler. It’s even easier to learn how to play the scratch card games. And the reason is simple. All you need to do to play an online scratch card game is… well, scratch. If you can hit a certain number of symbols in the particular game you play, then you will win. If you don’t – then you will lose. It’s as simple as that.

Now, there are differences between different scratch card games, this much is clear. And this is very much alike the case of the slots games. The core principle and mechanics are the same in all the scratch card games. But there will be differences in how the games play out. It’s up to you to determine which particular scratch card game is the most fun for you to play.

scratch card online games

Popular scratch card games

As we’ve mentioned before – there are many different individual scratch card games. They all differ in one way or another from one another. One popular game that people enjoy playing is Merlin’s Millions Scratch. This is a game based on the slot with the same theme. And the two of them are very similar in what they offer. You will see spell books, owls, and magicians. The biggest sum of money you can win here with a single scratch is £200,000. You will need to place a bigger bet in order to win this sum of money, though. But even for smaller bets – you can still win some nice prizes.

Then there’s the game called Deal or No Deal Scratch. This game is very much like the TV show. And it’s a specific scratch card game, at that. You will need to match symbols to the prize shown. And there will be multiple junctures where you will need to choose your path, so to speak. In this sense, the player has a bit more control over the end outcome. And the game does get that much more fun to play.

In conclusion

The final thing to note is that the scratch card games – much like the slots – have individual RTP rates. The industry standard is set at around 95%. The house always has an edge over the players. However, we hope that you personally will end up winning more money than you will lose playing. Welcome back to soon to get more game news and information!

Renju World Championship 2020 cancelled due to Corona virus

No one can have missed the current outbreak of the Coronavirus. When writing this there is still a tipping point on whether or not there will be a pandemic spread of the virus or if the world succeeds in containing it. Mainly it is mainland China who needs to work hard in limiting additional spread.

The Corona outbreak also affects the Renju community. We have now received news of that the Renju World Championship 2020 has been cancelled due to the risk of further transmission of the Corona-virus.

The Renju World Championship 2020 was planned to be held in May 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden. Many of the top Renju players in the world come from the very same countries which have been very affected by the virus. That, and of course the risk for further transmission, led to the decision of cancelling the Renju World Championship.

renju blue board

Replacement tournament

There will be a replacement tournament held in Stockholm for the players that actually can make it to the land in northern Europe and there will be other tournaments held throughout the year in almost every part of the world.

There will be tournaments in Estonia, Turkey and Russia and lets put out hope to scientists and researchers that they will find a quick cure and vaccine to the Coronavirus. Hopefully, we will see no more cancellations of Renju tournaments this year.

We will also see some other tournaments as well and some of the top Renju players are also doing some poker tournaments between Renju events. The strategic skill held by Renju players easily transition into poker strategies where logic, as well as maths, come into play.

How will this affect Renju

There is no doubt that Renju has its fair share of supporters and players. But still, we are engaged in a very slim strategy game, where the number of players is still quite low compared to other strategy games. Therefore, one must ask, is the future bright for Renju and us who plays it?

First of all, it must be stated that Renju is a very good strategy game. Of course, we are a bit biased, but no one can deny the sheer power of the game itself – where strategy and deep thinking clearly outclasses a weaker mind.

Secondly, it is a very nice and friendly community in the world of Renju.

However, it is always hard for a niche game having to face difficulties like external factors, such as the Coronavirus. We are to some extent dependent on being able to evolve the sport and promote it by tournaments and media coverage. Therefore, it can be a bit of a blow to the Renju community when things like this happen.

Renju has for sure a place in the future of strategy games. It is still one of the best games according to its very dedicated community. Now it is up to us who still play and enjoy the game to really make an effort of pushing this game out there. Especially important when the Renju Team World Championship was cancelled.

Share this in social media and let us build Renju stronger together!

Renju in 2018

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We hope you have a really nice start of your summer and the possibility to take some extra time to play Renju. During the long summer nights, it is a perfect opportunity to sit outside, groups of people, having a Renju tournament. Even though we love the summer we know how fast it goes and soon it will be winter time and then we are waiting for next year.

Due to technology, a lot happens in the gaming industry. We have seen a lot of changes in every different segment, even within the Renju gaming. Online gaming grows extremely fast and now it is possible to play Renju at a certain level, that it really feels like playing online. If you are looking for a lot of interesting games online, you should definitely check out, a site that is on top of news regarding every different kind of online gaming, even Renju online!

Enjoy the summer of games

Except for playing Renju, summer is the best time to be outdoors and exercise in a lot of ways. The people behind this site really enjoy a lot of different games. We just started to throw a frisbee on the beach, something that is really amazing. Frisbees are built in a lot of different ways, for different kind of throws. Something I never knew before this summer. Start with you frisbee throwing today, you will love it!

Online Gaming – Free Spins when the rain falls

We will still have a lot of indoor time, that’s for sure. Since more and more people have the opportunity to work from home, they save a lot of time. Time to do something fun. When we want to relax, relax from work and Renju. We love to play online casino. If you play on video slots, you will have the possibility to drop everything and just watch the wheels turn. If you want more excitement, you can always try on different casino games, like roulette and Blackjack.

However, playing casino slots is one very good way for total relaxation. Al least if you ask us. Nowadays a lot of people need something to take their minds of things. Video slots might be this. A lot of casinos gives away tons of free spins, something that will get you on track really fast! The amount of bonus and offers you as a player gets, constantly grows. This will result in that many online casinos will even give you no deposit free spins. This is the best kind! Without depositing a single penny, you have the possibility to become a millionaire.

So, don’t just play Renju and throw frisbee this summer, try out online casinos and get some free spins!

The history of Renju and where it is today!

Renju is definitely one of the most simple but still complicated games there is out there today. The simplicity due to the very simple rules and playing field and the complicity due to the great chess-like mind games that is taking place between the two competitors during the exciting games of Renju.

The game got its name by a Japanese journalist in 1899 and has since conquered the world as one of the most popular simple games played among people all over the globe. You can either play it with white and black stoned on structured playing field or a simple paper and pen style of game that can be considered as the most common one.

Renju, has however been substituted by some game enthusiasts, for casino online, but is despite this very likely to survive for many years to come. The graphics and features offered at these games are much more developed than the simple Renju games, but the best combination must be considered a little but of both. This way, you can get the best of the old-fashioned games combined with the modern graphics from the online games such as slots and live casino.

The most eminent countries when it comes to competing in Renju internationally are Sweden, Russia and last but not least, the founding nation Japan that has got a proud history of playing the game across all generations. Old and young competed for fun and for glory in organized or not organized games that are being played regularly all across Japan, with Yokohama and Tokyo being the main cities when it comes to Renju games.

The 15th world cup will be held during 2017 in Taipei and it is the first time it is being held in this country. The reign champion Qi Guan from Chine, is supposed to be among the front-runners when it comes to being the tournament champion. He won the last championship that was being held in Suzdal, Russia in 2015. During the history of the championships there have been two different people who have one the championship not only once The Japanese Shigeru Nakamura, who won in 1989 and 1991 and the legend Ando Meritee from Estonia who has a hat trick of winnings.

It is hard to say what we can expect from this year’s championship hence it is hold in a new country and that the worldwide popularity across the globe has lead to more competition among the tournament participants. Since Meritee lives in Taiwan, he is likely to compete and challenge for a title once again. A title that would be his fourth world championship title if he manage to go home with the victory. Something that will make this living legend of Renju even more untouchable than he already is. In addition to his three world championships he also won “The Clash of the Titans” against Nakamura, when they played against each other back in 1999.

Follow all the interesting and fascinating development here at in order to not miss out on any of the latest Renju updated!

Play Renju for free online

Are you playing Renju online or want to learn how to play Renju online for free this article is for you. There are many different websites where you can play and here are our favourites. – One of the best. Here you do not need to signup and login to be able to play against the computer. The computer is not easy to beat but also not impossible. If you like to play against another human or be able to save your games and history you can register for renju online – The best place to find new players to play against. Here you will find people from all over the world on all different levels. You can chat and invite people in the chatroom to play Renju but also many other types of popular mind games. – PlayOK works in the same way as Mindoku. Here you can play both as a guest and as a registered member. We always recommend to register to get more out of your play. But if you just want to try in out it works perfectly with just being a guest.

So that was our recommendations on where to play Renju for free online. Do not forget that there are so many more options of games that you can play for free online. The above mention websites has a wide variety of popular games. If you feel like playing games and not have to use your brain constantly it can be a fun thing to try out a casino. There is something that is called free spins no deposit that you can use to play for free and win real money without and risk at new casinos. Casinos are of course doing this because they want you to continue playing but if you only use the free spins and never deposit money it is safe to play. If you have other recommendations of games to play online for free, please do not hesitate to contact us. Good luck at the tables!

Open Swedish Team Championship

open swedish team championshipThe upcoming weekend (19-20 november) there is the Open Swedish Team Championship in Stockholm, Sweden. The tournaments has been played for many many years and has from time to time been very popular. This year it does not seem to be very many players in the tournament. Historically there are mostly teams from Sweden, Finland and Estonia involved in the tournament. It would be a great to see more countries coming the the capital of Scandinavia to participate in this fun event and get to know more people in the industry.

The location for the tournament is Rosengatan 1, KFUM. The location is just perfect, in the city center and close to most attractions, shops and restaurants. If you bring your family to this event they will have plenty of fun while exploring the city.


The rules for the games are the usual and most common for Renju players. It will be time control 30+5min and Soosyrv-8. The teams should consist of 3 players and optionally 1 reserve player.

The cost is 40 kr per person.

As of now there is 4 non-Swedish teams registered. 1 team from Russia and 3 teams from Estonia.

It is great to see that Estonia is coming with 3 teams this year and are in the front edge of the development in Norther Europe. It is a development that we hope will spread to other countries. The question is how Estonia have became such great nation for Renju. We talked to one leading players from Estonia that says. Due to the great popularity of games in Estonia and the growth of online casino or online kasiino as it is called in Estonia. The scene for games such as Renju has been extraordinary favourable in Estonia. We will update you with the results from the tournaments and other any other information that could be of your interest. We wish all the participants good luck in the tournament. May the best team win!

Renju Ranking Lists 2016

There are Renju ranking lists for specific countries, but also a world top scoring. Ranking tables are available on some official Renju websites for each country, and there you can often see which club the person adheres to, as well as their points, results and sum. Here are the ranking tables of Sweden as well as the world.

Swedish Renju Ranking September 2016

At first place in the Swedish Renju rankings we find Stefan Karlsson from Stockholm. At the end of August 2016 he had a total of 2256 in ranking points and +38 for the Swedish Championships in Renju 2016. At second place we find Petter Gardström from Uppsala with 2091 points and +2 for the same dates. Third place was taken by Tord Andersson from Uppsala with 2087 points and +2 as well. So it was a very close scoring on the second and third place. The Official Renju scores are today led by Svenska Luffarschackförfundet and you can hit their homepage for more info.

World Renju Rankings October 2016

renju rankingsFor the world ranking list of established players we have Meritee Ando as the number one contestant with a total of 2650 point. Meritee is from Estonia, the most northern country in the Baltics. At number two we have the Chinese Yang Yanxi with 2639 point and third place goes to Japan with 2629 for Nakamura Shigeru. At number four there is the Russian mastermind Chingin Konstantin, and fifth and sixth places goes to Japan.

The top 100 spots on the ranking is dominated by a few countries and these are Japan, Russia, China, Estonia and Sweden. There are the biggest Renju countries to this day, but we have seen that the wonderful game of Renju has been spread out faster to more countries in recent years. Of course it is a great treat with even more countries joining an playing together as well as bringing these countries together in the Championships.

World Championship of Renju

The game of Renju started out in Japan many years ago, since about 700 A.D. to be more precise. The game was then often known as Go-Moku but also other names such as Gobang, Morphion, Kakugo and many others. Today Renju is a hugely popular game, and there is even a World Championship in Renju held every second year. The last time it was help was in 2015, so this year of 2016 there will be no championship.

In the year of 2015, the winner of the World Championship of Renju was Qi Guan from China, and the championship was held in Suzdal in Russia. You can see the results in the picture below. There was a total of 66 man to man games during this championship and as always it was a very exciting event.

renju world championship of renju

As you can see, most players in the top positions come from wither China, Russia, Japan or Estonia – and these are considered among the top countries for the game of Renju. Perhaps this is because of the origin of the game, but it is also nice to see that Russia and Estonia are such big Renju countries. If you want to get more info on these statistics, please take a look at the International Renju Federation´s webpage.

There are still many upcoming tournaments in Renju being held this year, and some of these are Kyoto Classified Tournament, Open Swedish Team Championship, 42 Tokal Championship and Tallin Open. If you are a serious player, you can´t miss these big events. There will of course be another Renju World Championship next year of 2017, but little is known at this point about the event. We over at will have our eyes open and report as soon as we hear any more news about the next world championship. Until then, we hope that you find some interesting info here at our webpage. You can contact us if you have any questions. Play safe out there, and come back soon for more about the wonderful game if Renju!

Welcome to

renjuWelcome to – Everything you need to know about Renju! On this website we will write news, articles, rules and more about Renju. We have been playing Renju for many years and are very excited to share our knowledge with this community. We hope that you will enjoy our posts. Feel free to contact us with ideas, feedback or anything else. We are based in Stockholm, Sweden but like to travel to different Renju Championships around the world. Stay tuned!